RIP Stanley Roy Archer
The funeral as streamed live ion Vimeo on 1 December 2022 and is embedded on the home page of this site or directly from Vimeo.
Black History African Market – Saturday 30 November 2019

Maas Roy purchasing a piece of art by Jon Judace at the Black History African Market event in Tottenham. They had a lovely chat as Jon was pleased to be able to meet an elder and said that elders are very important in helping younger people to understand their history, connect with their feelings, to be more communicative and to pass on values about their culture.
BBC Radio London Oct 2019

Sunday 10 November 2019 8:00pm – Maas Roy and Yvonne with Dotun Adebayo.
Excerpt 3 includes a poem taken from the book Bayonets, Mangoes and Beads. It’s a unique, academic collection of work heralding the untold stories of Commonwealth soldiers from Africa and the Caribbean. Enjoy the author Nairobi Thompson reading it live on BBC Radio London, and provided here with kind permission.
Nairobi Thompson: Bayonets book with the poems Maas Roy inspired is available from my website and on amazon.

On the left you see my father and I posing for a photo with Dotun Adebayo. We were so pleased to get this great photo with the man himself.
You can find out more from the blog post about this.
Listen to some of the show below, and enjoy the moment.
Excerpt 1
Excerpt 2
Excerpt 3
Excerpt 4
BBC Radio London Oct 2019

Below you see my father and I posing for a photo with Dotun Adebayo. We were so pleased to get this great photo with the man himself.
You can find out more from the blog post about this.

Sunday 10 November 2019 8:00pm – Maas Roy and Yvonne with Dotun Adebayo.
Listen to some of the show below, and enjoy the moment.
Excerpt 1
Excerpt 2
Excerpt 3
Excerpt 4
Excerpt 3 includes a poem taken from the book Bayonets, Mangoes and Beads. It’s a unique, academic collection of work heralding the untold stories of Commonwealth soldiers from Africa and the Caribbean. Enjoy the author Nairobi Thompson reading it live on BBC Radio London, and provided here with kind permission.
Nairobi Thompson: Bayonets book with the poems Maas Roy inspired is available from my website and on amazon.
Remembrance Day at Brixton Memorial 10 Nov 2019

Sunday morning 10 November 2019 “My father was asked to lay a wreath at the memorial to African and Caribbean service people at Windrush Square in Brixton this morning. Quite moving!“

Black History Month Islington 2019

Mayor of Islington Cllr Rakhia Ismail

Wednesday 16 October 2019 8:00pm – A night of stand up comedy to raise money for Libreria, a lending library in Accra, and its literacy projects across Ghana.
Mayour of Islington Cllr Rakhia Ismail asks us not to ignore black culture and heritage the rest of the year. We celebrate so much about black history for just one month and not so much in the other eleven months. Islington has gone further, collaborating since 2015 with Every Voice, a charity promoting a project called ‘All World History’, year round, to local schools.
“I think before we talk about race, we need to talk about equality and humanity. As humans, we are equal whether we are black or white.”
The history, achievements and contributions of black people in the UK are covered greatly this October in Islington, with educational talks and other events also celebrating African and Caribbean cultures and histories. There are also fun activities for under fives.
“Heritage and history are so important. Not only will you learn from history, but it will make you the person you are,” Mayor Cllr Ismail says.
Visit this Black History Month website for further reading – here.
Cllr Una O’Halloran, Islington Council’s Executive Member for Community Development:
“Black History Month is an important opportunity to celebrate the incredible contributions Black British people have made to British culture, heritage and communities. It’s also an opportunity to reflect on the historic injustices that Black, African and Caribbean people have faced and continue to face. It’s vital that we understand the lessons of the past and teach these to our children as we work towards building a more equitable, inclusive community.
BHM 2019 – Competition

BHM 2019 – Book Choice

Yvonne with Mia Morris of ‘Black History Month 365’, who organised the event
with members of staff
at the Working Men’s College as part of their Black History Season
Photo taken by staff at the Working Men’s College

102 year old Irene Sinclair poses for a photo with Yvonne on the 9th October 2010
during an event to celebrate Black History Month in the UK
Photo by Glen Hibbert